DateDecember 6, 2016

Pictures of Number 1-10

Have your kids been able to tell numbers correctly? How many numbers have your kids known and memorized? Let’s start studying numbers by learning number 1 to 10. Free and printable pictures of numbers 1-10 that you can easily save and print are available in high definition!

Check out the images below to see the pictures! These pictures are especially prepared for your children to help them learn more about the numbers from 1 to 10. Scroll down to save the pictures!


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Easy Word Search for Kids

When accompanying your kids in their study, you have to absolutely be a good partner for them. This is including choosing the best media for their study. Choosing media does not always mean worksheets, but you can also give them some fun games to challenge your kids. If you want to challenge your kids’ skill in vocabularies and their ability in finding things, word search will be the best option.

This time we will share to you several best options easy word search for kids to test and train their brain to be more active! In these word search worksheets, there are words hidden in the pool of letters. To finish the worksheets, your kids simply need to meticulously look for the words listed in the worksheets! Check out these word search worksheets provided in the images below!


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