DateDecember 19, 2016

Tenths and Hundredths Worksheets

Hello everyone! Have your students or children been taught about tenths and hundredths? To perfect their knowledge in Math, teaching them how to calculate numbers to ten or hundred is important. Moreover, with the skill of rounding numbers, it is also one important element in children’s learning that cannot be easily ignored.

In this occasion, we will share to you several tenths and hundredths worksheets to help them develop their number counting skills. Check out these images below!


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Same and Different Worksheets

Testing your kids’ brain to be more developed is important. There are so many ways to test your children’s brain ability, and one of them is by sensing similarities and differences. Let’s have simple same and different worksheets with your children! In this post, we will share several worksheets which contain the exercises relating to the concept of ‘same and different’.

Children are expected to notice ‘what is different’ and ‘what is the same’ between two things. The worksheets are presented as follows.


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Printable Football Color Sheets

Well, many children like to watch and play football. Almost everyone knows that football is a really famous sport, especially for young people. There are many football competitions and clubs with a lot of talented football players to look up to. This time we have collected the best football color sheets for kids to reinforce and encourage them to aspire being a successful football players.

The color sheets are presented in the images below, just click and enlarge the image to save it.


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