Learning shapes is one of the crucial lessons that children have to master. Therefore, this time we have prepared for you several best selections of free shapes worksheets for children that you can easily save and print to help them learn about basic shapes.

These worksheets are posted in the images below.


image via www.kindergartenteacherresources.com

Shapes are important aspects in learning Math as well as other academic subjects. Shapes represent and originate many familiar things surrounding us. There are many kinds of shapes that children have to acknowledge such as square, circle, rectangle, star, and other more. To help them learn and recognize each characteristic of each shape, working on these free shapes worksheets will be a great help and way to assist them in studying shapes.


image via advice-for-pregnant-moms.com

There are drawing, tracing, shade, match, and other kinds of exercises that you can choose to give to your children as the media of their shape learning.

Help and accompany your kids in learning shapes by saving and printing them these worksheets! Be always passionate in learning and see you on the next post!