Grade 1 is the phase for children to learn basic Math operations. In this case, today we will share to you several addition worksheets for grade 1 to test your children’s addition skill and knowledge.

Addition is the simplest and easiest Math operations that children can study. Presented below are the selections of the addition worksheets that you can save and print for your grade 1 students.

addition worksheets for grade 1 printable

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Addition worksheet for grade 1 posted above is the basic version of the worksheets which contain only the single number addition. For grade 1 students which are still learning the small number addition, this worksheet is suitable to be given to them. For the other versions of the worksheets, check the ones posted as follows.

addition worksheets for grade 1 with pictures

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For a more advanced versions of the addition worksheets, we also have the ones with double digits addition operation. The advanced versions of the worksheets can be given to children in grade 1 who already mastered the single digit addition.

addition worksheets for grade 1 free

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addition worksheets for grade 1 new

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addition worksheets for grade 1 new

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Math is fun, isn’t it? To make your grade 1 students happy and more motivated to do the other Math worksheets, don’t forget to give them rewards after they have finished doing these worksheets!
