How do you teach your children in doing skip counting? Usually, children are taught to do skip counting by memorizing the orders of the counting. For example, the orders of skip counting by 5 are 5, 10, 15, and so on.

For this reason, we will share to you several skip count worksheets for children with various exercises which can be used to test and train your children’s ability in skip counting. These worksheets are posted below.

skip count worksheets colour

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In finishing these skip count worksheets, children have to be always aware of the orders of the counting based on the skipped numbers. Memory becomes the most important element which supports this activity. To not make children get bored or evenly uninterested with the worksheets, many pictures and creativity are added to attract their interest in doing the exercises.

skip count worksheets for school

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skip count worksheets for first grade

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skip count worksheets for second grade

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In choosing the worksheets, consider the grade and the counting level of your children so that they will not be confused and troubled with the exercises. These worksheets are created as fun and interesting as possible for your children to have an enjoyable learning.

skip count worksheets simple

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Jump like a frog! Jump your children number counting like a frog jumping a stone. Don’t forget to print these worksheets and give them to your children for the better understanding on skip counting!